Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

The capacity of the thrombin generation test in the diagnostics of hemostasis system disorders in patients with osteoarthritis

Year: 2018, volume 14 Issue: №3 Pages: 602-606
Heading: Traumatology and Orthopedics Article type: Original article
Authors: Shakhmartova S.G., Vorobyova I.S., Puchinyan D.M.

Aim: to determine the diagnostic significance of thrombin generation test parameters in the diagnostics of hemostatic disorders in patients with osteoarthritis of large joints in preoperative period. Material and Methods. 137 subjects have been investigated, among whom there were 115 hip and knee osteoarthritis patients, submitted for primary arthroplasty (68) and re-prosthetics (47); control group — 22 conventionally healthy blood donors. All subjects underwent plasma hemostasis study and thrombin generation test with two activators — RB (TF 2 pmol/ml) and RC-low (TF 5 pmol/ ml). Osteoarthritis patients were divided into two groups according to the results of thrombin generation test. The 1st group included patients with an adequate response to the stronger activator (t-lagR >t-lag ow, tt-peak^tt-peak^^), the 2nd —with an inversion response (t-lagRBlow). Results. In trie control group and group 1 patients, the thrombin formation process is more pronounced when using an activator with a high TF(RC-low) content than when using an activator with a lowTF (RB) content, which is regarded as an adequate reaction of thrombin formation to the action of a stronger agonist. Patients of the 2nd group inresponse to the action of the activator with a high content of TF was observed inhibition of the reaction of formation of thrombin, which was reflected in the slowdown in the speed of the generation of this enzyme and reduce its quantity. Conclusion. The use of two activators with different concentrations of tissue factor in the test of thrombin generation allows the nature of the response of the hemocoagulation system to initiate the process of thrombin formation to identify patients with adequate and inadequate response.

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