Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Modern patterns of tuberculosis epidemiologic situation among children in the North-West of Russia

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 518-522
Heading: Phthisiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Isaeva N.Yu., Mayorova О.A., Galkin V.B., Archakova L.I.
Organization: St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology

The research work has been carried out on the basis of official statistics data and results of curator departures. The purpose is to study the basic tendencies of tuberculosis epidemic situation among children for the period from 2004 till 2008 in the region of the North-west of Russia for working out priority antitubercular scheme. The disease morbidity has been investigated. Tendencies of situation development in each region with application of an estimation of morbidity rate have been defined. The nonparametric factor of correlation of Spirmen (c) has been taken into account. It is established that in case of normal epidemic situation, the basic indicators of tuberculosis in children from the Northwest of Russia are higher than all over the country. Epidemic situation in Kaliningrad is marked by accumulation of MBT+ in contingents. St.-Petersburg and Kaliningrad epidemic statistics accounts 52% from total number of ill children that influences a district indicator. In Kaliningrad and Arkhangelsk regions children from contact as a result of accumulation of adult MBT+ in contingents fall ill more often. The main method to reveal the pathology among children in St.-Petersburg is prevention, however children morbidity from contact with MBT+ in 2008 in 1,8 times lower than in the North-west Russia. The received data have found out that in Kaliningrad and Arkhangelsk regions the main direction in the antitubercular scheme is an increase in efficiency of treatment of tuberculosis in contingents of adults MBT+; in Murmansk, Pskov and Leningrad region it includes the modern preventive measures. For St.-Petersburg all directions of antitubercular work will be equally significant

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