Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Age-related features of visual evoked potentials in the norm and at myopia

Year: 2020, volume 16 Issue: №2 Pages: 690-695
Heading: Ophtalmology Article type: Original article
Authors: Sharipov A.R., Mikhaylova G.M., Mukhamadeev R.A.
Organization: Republican Clinical Oncology Dispensary of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Center

The purpose of the study is to compare age-related features of the visual analyzer formation using the method of visual evoked potentials (VEP) in patients with myopia and with "normal" vision. Material and Methods. A total of 42 people (84 eyes) were examined using the following methods: the study of visual acuity, determination of clinical refraction and registration of visual evoked potentials. The age of the patients ranged from 6 years to 31 years of age. In the group of volunteers, there were 3 age groups and 1 group with myopia. Results. The average values for the first group with monocular stimulation and lead from the ipsilateral hemisphere were obtained: 79.7±0.8, 111.8±1.2 and 157.5±1.8 ms for N75, P100 and N145 respectively (M±SE). For the second group: 77.5±1.9, 104.1±1.2 and 142.7±1.3 ms. For the third group: 78.7±0.7, 103.9±1.1 and 136.8±2.3 ms. For the fourth group: 71.4±3.9, 111.6±3.7 and 158.3±3.6 ms. Significant differences were shown in the configuration, component composition and characteristics of the pattern-VEP during stimulation of the central and peripheral fields of vision. Significant differences were found in the degree of maturity of macular region of subjects with normal vision and with myopia. Conclusion. The detected differences in visual analyzer formation indicate that primary sensory mechanisms and mechanisms of their cognitive analysis matured at different times in healthy subjects and patients with myopia.

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