Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Scientific contribution of professor V.G. Ninel to the study and treatment of chronic pain and spastic-pain syndromes of neurogenous nature and regeneration of trunks of peripheral nerves of extremities (to the 80th birth anniversary)

Year: 2019, volume 15 Issue: №4 Pages: 944-947
Heading: anniversary Article type:
Authors: Norkin I.A., Ostrovsky V.V., Grishin S.E., Ulyanov V.Yu., Bazhanov S.P., Puchinyan D.M.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The article presents the main stages in the career of professor Vyacheslav G. Ninel and estimates his scientific contribution to neurosurgery development. There are three main areas scientific where V.G. Ninel contribute to: researching and reduction of pain, spastic-pain and spastic syndromes in patients with vertebral and spine trauma consequences; researching and improving of surgical management for patients with cervical vertebrae traumas as well as spinal cord; experimental studies of regeneration processes in peripheral nerves.

1. Archive of Saratov State Medical University n. a. V.I. Razumovsky, Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology Orthopedics and Neurosurgery.
2. Ninel VG. Certain aspects of cerebral pathology diagnostics and treatment at posttraumatic cervical osteochondrosis. In: The proceedings of the X USSR conference for young neurosurgeons. M., 1974, Vol. 1; p. 345-8.
3. Livshic LYa, Melamud EhE, Ninel VG. The ways and capacities of rehabilitation for patients with cervical vertebrae and spinal cord traumas. In: Relevant issues of rehabilitation for patients suffering consequences of traumas and orthopedic diseases. Saratov: SarNIITO, 1975; p. 139-41.
4. Ninel VG, Livshic LYa, Melamud EhE. Spinal cord electrostimulation as a method of treating chronic neurogenous pain syndromes of body trunk and extremities. Saratov: Stilo, 2006; 162 p.
5. Ninel VG. Diagnostics, treatment and prevention of neural disorders in patients with sequences of so-called uncomplicated'trauma of cervical spine: PhD abstract. Moscow, 1982; 14 p.
6. Ninel VG. Spinal cord electrostimulation for treating heavy pain syndromes of body trunk and extremities of neurogenous nature: DSc diss. Moscow, 1994; 29 p.
7. Korshunova GA, Ninel VG, Puchinyan DM, Aytemirov ShM. Value of electromyography in selection of victims with injuries of peripheral nerves of the upper extremity for restoration electroneuromodulation. Russian Neurosurgical Journal n. a. prof. A. L. Polenov2013; 5(1): 16-20.
8. The method of damaged peripheral nerve exsection: Patent 2492829 (Russian Federationj/Ninel VG, Aytemirov ShM, Norkin IA, Korshunova GA (RU). № 2012125775; applied 20.06.12; published 20.09.13, Bulletin № 26.
9. Ninel VG, Korshunova GA, Puchinyan DM, et al. Neurophysiological and morphometric substantiation of complex electric pulse effect on reparative-regenerative processes in rat sciatic nerve after its intersection and neuroraphy. Russian Neurosurgical Journal n. a. prof. A. L. Polenov 2017; 9 (3): 26-32.
10. Shchanitsyn IN, Ivanov AN, Bazhanov SP, et al. Stimulation of peripheral nerve regeneration: current status, problems and perspectives. Physiological Sciences Success 2017; 48 (3): 92-112.
11. Ninel VG, Smol'kin АА, Korshunova GA, Norkin IA. Methods of neuromodulation in the treatment of spastic syndrome and their role in complex rehabilitation of patients after spine and spinal cord injuries. Spine Surgery 2016; 13 (3): 15-21. DOI: 10.14531/ss2016.3.15-21.

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