Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Dynamics of the neovascular process activity in proliferative diabetic reti-nopathy after panretinal laser coagulation using lasers with different wavelengths

Year: 2019, volume 15 Issue: №4 Pages: 843-847
Heading: Ophtalmology Article type: Original article
Authors: Gatsu M.V., Borzilova Yu.A., Grigoriev S.G.
Organization: North-West State Medical University n.a. I.I. Mechnikov, Department of Neuropathology Assistant Professor, Candidate of Medical Science

Purpose: comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of panretinal laser coagulation performed using laser radiation with wavelengths of 532 and 577 nm in the treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Material and Methods. The study included 32 patients (64 eyes) with stage 1-3 proliferative retinopathy. Patients were divided into two groups by random sampling depending on the wavelength of laser radiation used for PRC (577 nm — group 1, and 532 nm — group 2). The neovascular process activity was assessed by the dynamics of the fluorescence-angiographic picture and the level of vasoproliferative factor in the tear 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery. Results. The conducted studies have shown that laser coagulation performed by both wavelengths is an effective treatment for retinopathy, but gives a delayed effect. After 1-3 months in the first group and 1-6 months in the second one after its implementation, there is an increase in the neovascularization activity and an increase in the VEGF-A level in the lacrimal fluid. In terms of the number and severity of temporary side effects, PRC is the leader using a wavelength of 532 nm, which is eliminated only by 12 months of observation. Conclusion. When using a 577 nm laser, the neovascular process is most quickly stabilized (p<0.05), which makes it possible to consider the use of this wavelength as the most preferable.

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