Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

The vascular- platelet and coagulation hemostasis in preeclampsia and gestational arterial hypertension in the third trimester of pregnancy

Year: 2019, volume 15 Issue: №2 Pages: 501-506
Heading: Ophtalmology Article type: Original article
Authors: Kolenko O.V., Chizhova G.V., Sorokin E.L., Fil A.A., Khodzhaev N.S., Pomytkina N.V.
Organization: Postgraduate Institute for Public Health Workers, The Khabarovsk branch of the S. Fedorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution

Purpose: to conduct a retrospective analysis of the initial state of the indicators of systemic hemostasis in women during a complicated pregnancy, to determine its likely relationship with the formation of vascular retinal pathology in the long-term period after childbirth. Material and Methods. The 1st main group consisted of 47 women whose pregnancy proceeded against the background of gestational hypertension. The 2nd main group is represented by 48 women, whose pregnancy was complicated by pre-eclampsia. The control group was formed by 50 women with normal ongoing pregnancy. In women of all groups, the initial state of hemostasis was assessed in the third trimester of pregnancy, according to medical records. Results. It turned out that in women with hypertensive disorders in the third

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