Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Diagnostic criteria for optic nerve atrophy in patients with multiple sclerosis determined by next generation spectral optical coherence tomography


Purpose: identifcation of diagnostic criteria for optic nerve atrophy by spectral optical coherent tomography in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Material and Methods. 81 patients with optic nerve atrophy due to MS (37 men, 44 women, mean age 35.6±3.7 years) were examined using spectral optical coherent tomography (S-OCT). Results. We obtained reliable data suggesting on the asymmetry of S-OCT parameters in patients with multiple sclerosis and optic nerve atrophy. In the process of a detailed assessment of the thickness of the GCS+IPL complex, signifcant difer-ences in the worst and paired eyes were obtained. In addition, when the total aggregating all of the results obtained by the method of binary logical regression determined the threshold for partial atrophy of the optic nerve due to MS. The average thickness of GCS+IPL complex, as determined by S-OCT, is a reliable marker of neuroaxonal degeneration in patients with optic nerve atrophy due to MS. Conclusion. S-OCT criteria for optic nerve atrophy in multiple sclerosis are a decrease in the average thickness of the retinal nerve fber layer of less than 62 microns, combined with a decrease in the average thickness of retinal ganglion cell complex and the inner plexiform layer less than 52 microns, thickness of upper segment of GCS+IPL less than 51 μm, and the lower segment of GCS+IPL less than 50 microns.

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