Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Control of safety of products intended for children: chemical and analytical support

Year: 2019, volume 15 Issue: №2 Pages: 328-333
Heading: Hygiene Article type: Original article
Authors: Larkina M.V., Goryacheva L.V., Egorchenkova O.E., Feiskhanov M.R.
Organization: Federal Scientifc Center of Hygiene n. a. F. F. Erisman

Objective: to develop a method for measuring the concentrations of zinc dimethyldithiocarbamate (cimate) and zinc diethyldithiocarbamate (ethylcymate) in aqueous extracts, which provides control of the level of migration of these substances into the aquatic environment and meets the requirements of TR CU 008 / 2011 «On the safety of toys», based on the gas chromatographic analysis method. Material and Methods. The object of the study included samples of the aqueous extract of rubber latex compositions that form the basis of children»s toys, standard samples of cymate, of ethylcymate, of carbon disulphide. Experimental studies have been carried out to develop a gas chromatographic method using a fame photometric detector, a capillary column and an analysis of the equilibrium vapor- gas phase. Results. It was found out that the quantitative determination of cymate and ethylcymate in aqueous extracts is possible with the combination of chromatography of solutions of carbon disulfde in benzene and automatic dosing of the vapor phase (carbon disulfde released as a result of acid hydrolysis in the presence of tin chloride (II)). The efciency of the selected conditions of gas chromatographic analysis is shown. The conversion factor K, which characterizes the correction of the values obtained by analyzing the direct input of carbon disulfde in benzene and vapor phase analysis, is calculated. Conclusion. To control the safety of products intended for children, developed a method of measuring concentrations of cymate and ethylcymate the aqueous extracts of rubber latex products. The method is designed in the determination: 0,1 mg / dm3.

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