Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Evaluation of the efectiveness of psychopharmaco-therapy correction with an anxiolytic drug for patients with a periodontal disease and a dentopatiya.

Year: 2019, volume 15 Issue: №2 Pages: 256-260
Heading: Stomatology Article type: Original article
Authors: Savina E.A., Kobzeva Yu.A., Aslanyan M.A., Eremin O.V., Nelovko T.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

Objective: to assess the impact of behavioral psychotherapy and psychopharmacocorrection with an anxiolytic drug on the level of anxiety and dentophobia, compliance, and the efectiveness of therapy in patients with infamma-tory periodontal diseases. Material and Methods. Comprehensive examination of 40 patients aged 27–57 years with a diagnosis of refractory periodontitis. The clinical assessment of the periodontal tissues was taken into account and the psycho-emotional status of the patient was assessed using the characterological questionnaire H. Smishek, the hospital anxiety and depression scale and a specially designed questionnaire for determining the level of dentophobia and the dynamics of the doctor-patient relationship. Results. Since the frst visit and till the 26th week consecutive decrease in level of uneasiness, then slight increase by the 52nd week is noted. Conclusion. The use of the developed algorithm for personalized treatment of patients with infammatory periodontal diseases with the inclusion of behavioral psychotherapy and psychopharmacocorrection may reduce the level of anxiety and dental fear, increase compliance and the efectiveness of therapy.

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