Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Antiangiogenic properties of beta-blockers

Year: 2018, volume 14 Issue: №4 Pages: 728-734
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Original article
Authors: Dubensky VI.V, Dubensky V.V.
Organization: Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Russia

 Objective: determination of comparative antiangiogenic effectiveness and influence of beta-blockers on the level of a vascular endothelial factor of growth in an experiment. Material and Methods. For determination of antiangiogenic effect of beta-blockers, comparative studying of their influence on the level of a vascular endothelial factor of growth in an experiment on 72 nonlinear laboratory rats, by average weight 180±20 g which were conditionally divided into 6 groups is executed: 1st — control, 2nd — negative control (experimental ischemia (El), crossing of femoral vessels), 3rd — positive control (El with bevacizumab introduction), 4th — El with introduction of a timolol, 5th — El with introduction of a betaksolol, 6th — El with introduction of interferon alpha 2b. Results. The VEGF levels were: in 1st group 1.5±0.3 pg/ ml, in 2nd group 20,3±3,2 pg/ml, in 3rd group5,8±0,9 pg/ml, in 4th group 13,8±1,4 pg/ml, in 5th group 192,0±2,3 pg/ml, in 6th group 11,1 ±2,2 pg/ml. Results of microscopy and immunohistochemical research demonstrate lack of activation of processes of neoangiogenesis in 1 st group of animals. At animals of 2nd and 5th groups along with the expressed inflammatory processes the neoangiogenesis phenomena are established. Conclusion: Beta-blockers show the direct or mediated negative impact on synthesis of VEGF and oppression of neoangiogenesis. The activity of selective beta-blocker concerning neoangiogenesis suppression was lower in comparison by activity non-selective that allows to consider the timolol effective antiangiogenic remedy.

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