Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Evaluation of the effect of a special cooling liquid on thermal state of athletes at high temperatures


Aim. The article presents the results of the effectiveness of cooling liquid. In addition, the way it affects the thermal state of athletes at high temperatures. Material and Methods. The study involved seven male athletes of cyclic sports. The sportsmen had a senior or higher and an average age of 19.29±1.80 years. All passed a 2-fold examination, which included collection of anamnesis, complaints about health, medical examination, weight measurement, subjective evaluation of heat thermometry (rectal and skin (in 5 points)), ergospirometry testing. Changing the thermal state of the athletes, founded by the dynamics of average skin temperature and rectal temperature. Also, subjective evaluation of thermal sensations was taken into account. Meanwhile the efficiency of special cooling liquid determined by the dynamic run-time load, maximal oxygen uptake and anaerobic threshold of exchange. Results. The use of special cooling liquid makes it possible to increase the time of aerobic load tolerance in conditions of high temperatures by an average of 2.5%. This was accompanied by a decrease in rectal temperature and average skin temperature throughout the stress test. There is also a positive effect on the subjective level of heat sensations. Conclusions. We conclude that it is advisable to use cooling liquid for summer sports teams in the performance of a specific physical activity. However first conducted individual tests on the subject of possible adverse allergic reactions.

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