Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

The modified assessment technique of the condition of lungs at the experimental animals at extreme exposures


Purpose: to develop a modified method of measuring a set of biophysical indices of the lungs elaborated, which allows to assess the extent of their lesions from mild, moderate to severe. This technique allows for a short time to conduct a rapid assessment of the lungs of a large number of experimental animals of different species under varying extreme influences for the subsequent extrapolation of these data to humans. Material and Methods. The study was conducted using Chinchilla rabbits weighing 2.5-3.0 kg, and sheep weighing 25-35 kg. Lung mass and volume were defined, and values of biophysical indices were calculated: specific density of air-filled and collapsed lungs; their ratio — ALPHA index; residual volume. Results. The values of main lung biophysical indices of experimental animals in norm were received. The scale of lung condition estimate and degree of injury of experimental animals as compared with the control group was developed. Conclusion. The given technique of rapid estimate of the lung condition according to biophysical indices allows to give a rapid and objective assessment of significant lung injuries in experimental animals. Easy realization and availability of necessary equipment enable to use this technique in the studies of experimental lung pathology.

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