Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Primary hyperpara-thyroidism: current state of the problem

Year: 2017, volume 13 Issue: №4 Pages: 849-853
Heading: Surgery Article type: Review
Authors: Kovalenko Yu.V., Tolstokorov A.S., Rossolovsky A.N., Kravchenya A.R., Manakhov G.A., Velikanova M.G.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

 The review is devoted to current state of the problem of primary hyperparathyroidism. One of the important steps in the study of pathology of parathyroid glands and their decision value in development of primary hyperparathyroidism was introduction of automated screening of the ionized calcium of plasma of blood to all patients asking for medical care. Understanding of the nature of this process allowed the doctors of many specialities to unite the efforts in the analysis of results of the already accumulated experience and extend possibilities of early preclinical exposure of this disease.

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