Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Analysis of status of preterm infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia

Year: 2017, volume 13 Issue: №2 Pages: 251-255
Heading: Pediatrics Article type: Original article
Authors: Chernenkov Yu.V., Nechaev V.N., Nesterova D.l.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

Objective: the combination frequency of BPD in premature infants, assessment of the degree of functional lesion of the respiratory tract and the efficiency of respiratory support. Material and Methods. The survey included 36 women and 38 preterm infants (two twins). Results. In 99% of the surveyed women pregnancy was complicated by chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia, 2.1% — RH-conflict. At 43.2% of cases acute respiratory viral infection during pregnancy was revealed, 15.3% of bad obstetric history, 5% of women who had bad habits (smoking, alcohol intake). In 2015 there were 5 deaths (13.2%). 14 children (36.8%) were transferred to other hospitals for further treatment, the remaining 19 (50%) were discharged from the hospital. One child — full-term, the other— premature. At 87.7% of children with BPD, the diagnosis was RDS, in 4.2% — aspiration of meconium, 8.1% — congenital pneumonia. 15 children (30.5%) received therapy with surfactant once, including 9 newborns (23.7%) received medication twice. All newborns were carried out intensive care, including respiratory support. Mechanical ventilation in 14 children had been conducting for 8.4±2.3 day, in 13 cases for 17.3±3.8 day, in 11 cases for 23.4±4.1 day. Nasal CPAP was conducted in 23 newborns: from 4 to 6.8±1.9 day, 13 — less of 16.8±2.9 per day, 6 children have had more than 23.2±3.8 day. Conclusion. There is necessity for prevention during pregnancy with glucocorticoids, the prolongation of pregnancy; preterm neonates — surfactant therapy; adequate provision of resuscitation care in the delivery room and respiratory support. The reduction of time of mechanical ventilation and the expansion of the indications for non-invasive methods of respiratory therapy reduced the incidence of BPD, the severity of the disease and improve the prognosis.

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