Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Features of newborns with intrauterine growth restriction (according to the data of perinatal center of the Saratov region)

Year: 2017, volume 13 Issue: №1 Pages: 062-067
Heading: Pediatrics Article type:
Authors: Chernenkov Yu.V., Nechaev V.N., Dudukina E.S.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

Objective: to identify risk factors that adversely affect the development of fetus and child small for gestational age; to assess the incidence of the intrauterine development of fetus and newborn; to analyze the health indicators of these children. Material and Methods. Cases of 226 children (6.6%) with diagnosed intrauterine growth restriction of the fetus were examined, including 134 of prematurity (59%). Results. The most common risk factors for the intrauterine development of the fetus were: violation of the utero-placental circulation — 196 cases, the uterine scar — 78 women, urinary tract infection — 94. Extragenital pathology was found in all women, the threat of termination of pregnancy in 109 cases, medical history of abortions in 106 women and 83 anaemia in women. Birth asphyxia was observed in 102 children (45%), prematurity in 71 cases (31.4%). Asphyxia of severe degree accounted 1 (0.5%) premature and 1 (0.45%) full-term baby. Asphyxia of moderate severity (4-6 points) accounted 70 (30.9%) preterm and 31 (13.7%) full-term infants. The most common form of the intrauterine development of the fetus asymmetrical revealed 178 cases (79.1%). Conclusion: Perinatal factors such as medical abortion, urinary tract infection, extragenital pathology are preventable. The predominant form of the intrauterine development of the fetus is asymmetric form, symmetric and dysplastic revealed to a greater degree in premature infants. Children with low weight for gestational age should be adequately provided with the necessary nutrients, fortifiers, vitamins and in the process of rehabilitation — cerebropro-tective therapy.

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