Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Modern approaches to surgical treatment of juvenile hemangiomas

Year: 2015, volume 11 Issue: №3 Pages: 471-476
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Short message
Authors: Dubensky V.V.
Organization: Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Russia

Aim: studying of clinical and functional features of juvenile hemangioma to identify indications to their removal. Analysis of the nature of side effects at the different methods of treatment and determination of efficiency of the ra-diowave moving away of juvenile hemangioma. Materials and methods. The study involved 216 children with juvenile hemangioma and 14 adult patients with persistent hemangioma. Radiowave treatment was conducted to 32 children with superficial juvenile hemangioma. Results. Superficial juvenile hemangioma are diagnosed in 76.1%, thus the highest prevalence of superficial juvenile hemangioma of small diameter and thickness. At the inspection of children with complications of different methods of treatment of hemangioma found the prevalence of formation of pathological scars, during removing of hemangioma by carbon-dioxide laser and at a scelerotherapy — 58,3%. Swelling and soreness at the radio wave moving away at most patients (84,3%) passed through 3 days, recovery after a 1 session came at 65,6% of patients, after 2 sessions — at 28,2%, after 3 sessions — at 6,2%. At watching the patients of this group during one to three years their proof recovery is set. Conclusion. High postoperative cosmetic effect under strict indications for surgical removal, the absence of relapses and the low percentage of continued growth (6.2% after the second session deletion) allow to recommend high-frequency radio wave removing for the treatment of superficial juvenile hemangioma of the skin.

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