Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Principles of dispensary observation of patients with Parkinson's disease in a specialized clinical diagnostic room

Year: 2013, volume 9 Issue: №4 Pages: 869-873
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Krivonos О.V., Smolentseva I.G., Amosova N.A., Chupina L.P.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Aim: to develop and implement of the order of the dispensary observation of Parkinson's disease patients. Material and methods, the dispensary observation of Parkinson's disease patients had been performed by neurologist and diagnostic room (CDR) based on the outpatient department of health care institutions obeyed by FMBA of Russia in six Closed Administrative-Territorial Units: Seversk, Zarechniy, Ozersk, Lesnoy, Sarov and Zheleznogorsk. Neurologist examined of patients and put data to the Register's database. Register's database had 588 Parkinson's disease examined patients, 112 of them (19,1%) had stage II of the disease by Hoehn and Yahr, 231 (39,3%) patients — stage III by Hoehn and Yahr, 187 (31,8%) patients — stage IV byHoehn and Yahr, 58 (9,9%) patients — stage V by Hoehn and Yahr. The duration of the dispensary observation of Parkinson's disease patients was 4 years (2009-2012). Results. There are and implement the order of the observed and accounting of adult's group of Parkinson's disease patients were developed, who are registered in the clinical and diagnostic rooms, including the frequency of physician's visits, the list of diagnostic and treatment activities and efficiency endpoint of the dispensary observation. Conclusion. Implementation of the order of the dispensary observation according to the Register allowed to identify the main disabling PD's symptoms (depression, dementia, motor fluctuations and dyskinesia) and timely correction of therapy.

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