Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Side effects of systemic retinoid therapy in patients with severe psoriasis

Year: 2013, volume 9 Issue: №3 Pages: 549-552
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Original article
Authors: Slesarenko N.A., Bakulev A.L., Shabogina A.A., Platonova A.N., Utz S.R., Markina M.V., Shtoda U.M.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The aim: To determine the nature and frequency of side effects observed on acitretin therapy of patients with severe forms of psoriasis. Materials and methods. The study included 20 patients with generalized pustular psoriasis. Due to the inefficiency of the ongoing standard therapy, in addition to the plan of treatment, all patients were included systemic retinoid — acitretin (neotigazon) at a dose of 0,3-0,5 mg/kg per day. I control group consisted of patients with psoriasis receiving standard therapy without the use of systemic retinoids. II control group consisted of patients taking acitretin about keratosis. Results. In 18 patients of the main group noted the development of side effects, such as xerosis and nail fragility. In 14 patients of the main group and 3 patients of the II control group the results of urinalysis tests and Nechiporenko sample were detected by elevated levels of red blood cells and the development of hematuria. Conclusion. The study found that 17 patients had development of hematuria, which can be considered regarded as a side effect of acitretin therapy.

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