Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

The study of a balance function using video stabilom-etry in patients with ataxia

Year: 2013, volume 9 Issue: №1 Pages: 92-97
Heading: Otolaryngology Article type: Original article
Authors: Mareev О.V., Sholomov I.I., Gorozhankin А. V., Monakhova O.A.
Organization: Engels Technological Institute of Saratov State Technical University n.a. Yu.A. Gagarin

The aim of the study is to assess the condition of balance function in patients with different diseases. Materials and methods: The study has been performed on 82 patients divided into the following groups: patients with Menier»s disease, with multiple sclerosis, chronic cerebral ischemia, and persons without pathology of balance function, which have composed the comparison group. Statistical evaluation of video stabilometric data of patients in these groups has been performed. Results: Reliable differences between stabilometric parameters in patients with disorder of balance function and patients of comparison group have been revealed. Conclusion: Video stabilometry may be applied as an objective method for evaluation of balance function in order to detect different pathological states.

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