Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Surgical treatment of vertebral body splintered fractures

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №1 Pages: 146-147
Heading: Traumatology and Orthopedics Article type: Short message
Authors: Zaretskov V.V., Arsenievich V.B., Likhachev S.V., Artemov L.A., Titova Yu.l., Zueva D.P.
Organization: Saratov Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics

The given report concerns the method of surgical treatment of vertebral body splintered fractures. The surgery is presented by transpedicular fixation of an injured part and allows to perform reduction of body fragments of the injured vertebra. Simplicity of technical performance and efficiency of the technique explain its practical value

References (including transliteration from Cyrillic to Roman script)

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