Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Course Of Pregnancy, Delivery And Health State Of Newborns After Preventive Treatment Of Gestosis In Pregnant Women Of Risk Group

Year: 2009, volume 5 Issue: №4 Pages: 533-536
Heading: Obstetrics and Gynecology Article type: Original article
Authors: O.S. Odnokozova,L.V. Vasilenko ,N.I. Zryachkin
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The research objective is to decrease the frequency of perinatal complications in mother, fetus and newborn. Methodology used is prospective study. Course of pregnancy, delivery, postnatal period and neonatal period has been studied at 50 women and children (the basic group), at 80 women and children (group of comparison). The state of mi-crocirculation was studied at the I- II trimesters of pregnancy before and after treatment by means of biomicroscopy of vessels of eye conjunctiva by slit lamp with computer data processing. Homocysteine was studied at the I- II trimesters of pregnancy before and after treatment, and children of The control group consisted of 63 pregnant women without complicated anamnesis and with somatic status who gave birth to 63 children. At the I trimester of pregnancy in risk groups of development of gestosis hyperhomocysteinemia, preclinical disturbances of processes of microcirculation were observed. The method of preventive treatment of gestosis in the basic group included anticoagulant - Vessl Due F, vitamin E, essenciale H, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12. The preventive treatment was directed on stabilization of function of vessel endothelium, improvement of processes of microcirculation leading to decrease in frequency and severity of gestosis, perinatal complications in mother and newborn

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